Panoramic Counseling Blog

Some losses never stop hurting

At the age of 26, I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve never lost a person who I’ve been close to. I was there to help my mom when her husband died suddenly of a heart attack in 2017. I’m also a therapist, so I’ve worked with many clients who are struggling with grief. It wasn’t until I suffered my own...[ read more ]

Letting go

I remember New Year’s 2017. I deemed it, “The year of the small circle.” Though I’m introverted and tend to keep a small circle, I had become aware that quality is better than quantity when it comes to relationships. Because we are human, we’re going to disappoint each other at times. In worthwhile relationships, those issues get worked out and...[ read more ]

Introversion and Social Anxiety

You find yourself marking ‘Decline with regrets’ on a wedding invitation. Staying home from the office Christmas party. Being terrified at the thought of the wait staff singing “Happy Birthday” to you at a restaurant. And saying things like, “You go in, I’ll wait in the car.” A quick google search defines Social Anxiety as “some amount of fear in...[ read more ]

The side effects of bullying

This post is based on my experience counseling children, adolescents, and adults. In addition, my wife is a school counselor, experienced working with primary and elementary school students. She’s provided me with additional insights to include. We all know what bullying is. Someone is being picked on. A person is trying to overpower someone else. Someone is asserting dominance over...[ read more ]