Panoramic Counseling Blog

Personality Tests

Most of you have probably taken some form of personality test throughout your life. I've taken a ton; in fact, I recall a handful of job applications that had a variation of personality test on them. Personality tests are cool because they help us gain a better awareness of ourselves and how we operate in the world. My favorite of...[ read more ]

Anxious mind? Try list-making

Let’s take a minute to imagine the inner workings of the anxious mind: fears, an overactive fight-or-flight response, racing thoughts, and much more. As someone living with an anxiety disorder, these are all thoughts, behaviors, and feelings that I experience on an almost daily basis. List making is a skill that I’ve used in my own life to help manage...[ read more ]

Letting go

I remember New Year’s 2017. I deemed it, “The year of the small circle.” Though I’m introverted and tend to keep a small circle, I had become aware that quality is better than quantity when it comes to relationships. Because we are human, we’re going to disappoint each other at times. In worthwhile relationships, those issues get worked out and...[ read more ]

Small ways to be kind to yourself

We all learned in kindergarten about the Golden Rule, right? “Do to others what you want them to do to you.” The majority of us try to live this out daily to maintain some sort of social courtesy. A lot of mental health discussions focus on our environment. We try to be mindful of how we interact with others, how...[ read more ]

Too much of a good thing

Written 5.10.18 “It is possible to have too much of a good thing.” ~Unknown We’ve all heard this quote at some point in our lives. It’s one of those quotes that can relate to almost any circumstance or situation. Today, I’m gonna talk about how it applies to how we cope with stress or adversity. We all have coping skills...[ read more ]

Can minimalism help to manage anxiety?

I’ve been reading a lot of blogs lately on the topic of minimalism. The definition of minimalism may vary from person-to-person. From my understanding, minimalism is focusing on what is most important and useful to you and getting rid of the excess. This can be applied to the amount of stuff you have, the number of commitments you make, what...[ read more ]

Easier said than done? Work-life balance

What is work-life balance? There’s no doubt that work-life balance has an influence on our mental health. For those who suffer from mental health disorders, having work-life balance is even more crucial. Work-life balance is defined as having the time to perform employment, family, social, and community tasks in a manner that results in some sort of equilibrium. Whether your...[ read more ]