Panoramic Counseling Blog

What is Trichotillomania?

I got the idea to write this article after a horribly failed attempt to spell "trichotillomania" into Google. Trichotillomania (trik-o-till-o-MAY-nee-uh), henceforth referred to as TTM, is the clinical term for hair-pulling. Today, I will discuss the symptoms of TTM, triggers for the symptoms, and some of the treatment options available. Symptoms of Trichotillomania According to the DSM 5 (AKA, big...[ read more ]

This is Just my Face–Try Not to Stare: A Book Review

This Memoirs of Mental Health series has become one of my favorite sections of my website. I’ve always been a memoir junkie and I’ve been really inspired to see how some of my favorite celebrities are using their platforms to share about their mental health struggles and victories. I’ve loved Gabourey Sidibe since her debut role in Precious and I...[ read more ]

What are Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder?

This is week 5 of a 5-part series that I’ve been doing on some of the most common mental health conditions. Past articles in the series include: Depression Anxiety The bipolar disorders ADHD Today’s post is about panic attacks and panic disorder. I touched on the topic of panic attacks briefly in week 2 (anxiety); however, it requires further discussion...[ read more ]

What is Anxiety?

This is week 2 of a 5-part series that I'm doing on some of the most common mental health conditions. For last week's post on depression, click here. Generalized Anxiety Disorder It's safe to say that if you're reading this, you've experienced some form of anxiety (worry, fear, dread) in your lifetime. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is one of the...[ read more ]

What Postpartum Depression Feels Like

If you keep up with this blog/newsletter, you know that my wife and I welcomed a baby girl on 12.19.19. Rather than write an article about postpartum depression, I will be sharing an Instagram post that Rachel shared last week when Mya Jayn was officially a month old. •• Well, baby girl is 4-weeks old. That’s still crazy to me...[ read more ]

What is CBD extract?

I first became aware of CBD extract last year, as these products seemed to be available everywhere. "CBD" is short for "cannabidiol" which is derived from the hemp plant, also known as cannabis. In this article, I'll share what I've learned (so far) about CBD. From there, I'll consider the possible benefits, uses, misconceptions, and warnings pertaining to CBD for...[ read more ]

Burning Sage

You may be thinking, "It's finally happened. This mental health blog has taken a turn in the direction of woowoo." Bear with me. Today, I'm gonna share about some of the history and possible benefits of burning sage, an herb known for its fragrance. Recently, I learned that my therapist burns sage in her office each morning before seeing clients....[ read more ]

Getting Past your Past: A Book Review

Because I plan to start offering EMDR therapy at Panoramic Counseling in early 2020, I have been immersing myself in the writing of EMDR’s founder, Francine Shapiro. Today, I want to share some practical insights that I gained from Shapiro’s EMDR self-help book, Getting Past Your Past. If you’re not familiar with EMDR therapy, I’ll provide the cliffnotes definition: It’s...[ read more ]

The Burnout Generation: A Book Review

I talk a lot about self-care and burnout on this website for obvious reasons. The world we live in is fast-paced and very stressful at times! I was thrilled when I learned that there was an audiobook by Anne Helen Petersen called “The Burnout Generation”. Today, I’ll be sharing insights from her book with you. For clarity, the burnout generation...[ read more ]

Protect Your Energy

For World Mental Health Day, I teamed up with my friend, Tiara, over at to discuss the importance of protecting your energy to prevent burnout. Check it out! If you enjoyed this content, feel free to buy me a coffee to support the blog and podcast. Be sure to sign up for my email list, to receive new articles and podcast...[ read more ]