Panoramic Counseling Blog

What are the Bipolar Disorders

This is week 3 of a 5-part series that I’m doing on some of the most common mental health conditions. Past articles in the series include: Depression Anxiety Today, I'm going to share about the bipolar disorders. In my opinion, these disorders are some of the most misdiagnosed and misunderstood. It's not uncommon to hear someone say, "I'm/you're so bipolar"...[ read more ]

What is Anxiety?

This is week 2 of a 5-part series that I'm doing on some of the most common mental health conditions. For last week's post on depression, click here. Generalized Anxiety Disorder It's safe to say that if you're reading this, you've experienced some form of anxiety (worry, fear, dread) in your lifetime. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is one of the...[ read more ]

What is Depression?

This week's post is the start of a 5 week series where I will discuss some of the most common mental health disorders. Here's the lineup for the next few weeks: Depression Anxiety Bipolar disorder ADHD Panic disorder Major Depressive Disorder It's no secret that everyone feels sad sometimes. Major depressive disorder is what occurs when sadness begins to take...[ read more ]

SAD and the Winter Blues

I recently had the honor of participating in a local panel discussion about seasonal affective disorder and the winter blues. Today, I will be sharing some insights gained from that discussion and more. What are SAD and the Winter Blues? Though it's not the official term, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is how most of us describe the series of depressive...[ read more ]

Getting Past your Past: A Book Review

Because I plan to start offering EMDR therapy at Panoramic Counseling in early 2020, I have been immersing myself in the writing of EMDR’s founder, Francine Shapiro. Today, I want to share some practical insights that I gained from Shapiro’s EMDR self-help book, Getting Past Your Past. If you’re not familiar with EMDR therapy, I’ll provide the cliffnotes definition: It’s...[ read more ]

Maybe you Should Talk to Someone: A Book Review

As I perused books to read, you can probably figure out why the title, Maybe you Should Talk to Someone, caught my eye. Today, I'll be sharing some of the insights that I gained from Lori Gottlieb's book. Like me, Gottlieb is a therapist that goes to therapy. I love her perspective because she knows what it's like to be...[ read more ]

Guest Post from Mental Health @ Home: “My Therapy Journal”

Today, I’m excited to share a guest post from my friend, Ashley Peterson. Ashley is a mental health nurse. She's also a mental health blogger at Mental Health @ Home.  She recently published her second book, Making Sense of Psychiatric Diagnosis. Today, she’s sharing about the unique ways that she tends to her mental health. While unfortunately, I haven’t had...[ read more ]

What is EMDR Therapy?

Today, I had the honor to guest post on one of my favorite blogs, Mental Health @ Home, on the topic of EMDR therapy! Check it out! Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this content, feel free to buy me a coffee to support the blog and podcast. Be sure to sign up for my email list, to receive new articles and...[ read more ]

The Pomodoro Technique: A Book Review

The Pomodoro Technique by Francesco Cirillo is a book about productivity. Having read the book, I think this technique can be helpful to anyone that struggles with procrastination, especially those with ADHD. I've written recently about the fast-paced age that we live in. While I often advocate for self-care, I seldom write about the importance of hard work. Today's post...[ read more ]

Autism and Counseling: An Interview with Dr. Lakesha Roney, LPC

To continue with Counseling Awareness Month, I was excited to interview Dr. Lakesha Roney, LPC. She is currently the clinical coordinator at The Health Brigade, which is a local free clinic that offers a ton of great services to the underserved. In addition, Dr. Roney runs a group practice for psychotherapy, Inner Self Counseling & Consulting. Dr. Roney is the...[ read more ]