Work-Life Balance in a Post-Pandemic World

It’s obvious that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives and that our concept of “normal” continues to evolve. Though I’ve written previously on work-life balance and remote schooling/working, today I’d like to talk about how our concept of work is evolving. I’ll cover the pros, cons, and provide tips on how to find balance in this new normal.

The Great Resignation

A quick scan of your favorite news outlet will likely mention something about “The Great Resignation,” but what is it?

Due to the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, many people (including me) got a taste of working from home for the first time in their careers. As vaccinations increase and companies start transitioning back to the traditional 9-5 office format, a lot of people don’t want to go back; in fact, they’re quitting in droves in favor of employment that offers a remote option.

Why? You ask.

Benefits of Working from Home

  • Flexibility in how we work has gained priority throughout this pandemic. Now that people got a taste of the freedom to work on their own time, it’s difficult to go back to a more restrictive model.
  • Less distraction and micromanagement from coworkers. This increases productivity for some workers.
  • No more commuting and navigating traffic jams.
  • Stay-at-home parenting. I’ll share my story in a bit.
  • Reduced childcare costs. Oftentimes two-income families with young children spend a large portion of their income on childcare, thus making remote work an attractive option.

Challenges of Working from Home

  • With less structure comes the expectation to be reachable around the clock, resulting in blurred lines between work and personal life.
  • More time spent on chat rooms and on email.
  • Reduced opportunity for advancement. Correlational research has found that due to reduced face time with supervisors and executives, remote workers; while often more productive, are less likely to be promoted than their in-office counterparts.
  • Zoom fatigue.
    • Blue light eye strain.
    • Pressure about maintaining appearance.
    • Feelings of isolation.

My Story

Prior to March of 2020, I ran my therapy practice in a traditional office setting. When COVID-19 hit, I transitioned to seeing clients online. It was definitely an adjustment at first; however, after a year and a half of working from home, the pros seem to outweigh the cons for me.


  • I had just signed an office lease when COVID hit, so I lost a few thousand dollars as I waited it out for a few months (hoping cases would decline) but ultimately paid a few more thousand to break my office lease.
  • Investing in the technology and software to provide therapy was pricey and required some trial-and-error.
  • On occasion, an ill-timed toddler tantrum in the next room or my dog growling at the mailman can be heard by my clients during a session.
    • Noise-canceling headphones help a lot (and it’s a tax write-off!)


  • In contrast to the first con, I now don’t have to worry about paying office rent or commuting to work each day. This saves me time and money.
  • Because I’m at home, I am able to offer my clients more appointment times than I would if I were in an office.
    • For example, I can see a few people in the morning, work out, feed my daughter lunch, see a few more clients, run some errands, see a few more clients, etc. I love the flexibility.
  • I’m able to see clients throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia instead of just those within reasonable driving distance, thus making therapy more accessible in my community.
  • I’ve gotten to be a stay-at-home dad! My daughter was only 3 months old when COVID hit and I’ve gotten to watch her grow before my very eyes while simultaneously running a successful business. She’ll be two years old soon!

Finding Balance

  • If your job permits, consider an option that works best for your attention span and lifestyle:
    • Traditional in-person work
    • A hybrid model where you work part remotely and part in-person
    • Completely remote
  • Have set office hours. If choosing a hybrid or completely remote option, boundaries are essential.
    • I turn on my email autoresponse on weekends
    • I have a separate phone for work emails and texts so that I’m not tempted to work during personal time.
      • This phone goes into a drawer on nights and weekends and has made a world of difference. Sidenote: Having the extra phone line only costs me about $0.50/day and it’s totally worth it.
  • Treat Zoom fatigue.
    • When permitted, attend meetings with your camera off.
    • Consider blue-light filtering screen covers or blue-light blocking glasses.
    • Don’t underestimate the efficiency and simplicity of a good old-fashioned phone call!


With all of that in mind, what camp are you in? Traditional, hybrid, or remote? I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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2 thoughts on “Work-Life Balance in a Post-Pandemic World”

  1. Wow, MJ is so big! That’s great that you’ve had the opportunity to be at home with her.

    1. Thanks for reading! And yes, I look at pictures from a year ago and it seems unreal how big she’s gotten.

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